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Asim Tewari

Asim Tewari


Invited papers presented in conferences  


8 .     A. Tewari, “Understanding texture domains and relations between pre-eutectic and eutectic phase during Al-Si alloy solidification”, Fourth International Conference on Solidification Science and Processing (ICSSP-4) Madras, November 20-23, 2009.

7 .     A. Tewari, “Mathematics of particle characterization”, Fourth Asian Particle Technology Symposium New Delhi, Sept 14-16, 2009.

6 .     A. Tewari, “Challenges & Opportunities in automotive materials research”, Interquadrennial Conference of the International Congress on Fracture, Bangalore, August 2008

5 .     A. Tewari A. Kumar, “Advanced Light Weight Materials Usage for Automotive Applications”, MRSI Meet Delhi Feb 2007.

4 .     A. Tewari, “Stereological Characterization of Solidification Microstructure”, International Conference on Solidification Science and Processing (ICSSP-2), Jaipur, November 2006.

3 .     A. Tewari, “Stochastic Modeling of Spatial Heterogeneities in Microstructure” Microscopy and Microanalysis 2005, Honolulu, July 2005.

2 .     A. Tewari, “Stochastic model for gas porosity in cast Al alloys”, International Conference on Solidification Science and Processing (ICSSP), Bangalore, November 2004

1 .     A. Tewari and A.M. Gokhale, “Quantitative characterization of spatial arrangement of microstructural features”, Symposium on Microstructology Connecting Phase Diagrams, Kinetics, and Stereology to Microstructural Evolution, TMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Februry, 1998.


Other invited talks  


20 .   A. Tewari, “Advanced microscopy and applied mathematics in Microstructural Engineering”, GML endowment lecture, Indian ceramic society, Bangalore chapter 29th Aug 2009.

19 .   A. Tewari, “Mathematical methods in applied Microstructural Engineering”, Workshop on Microstructural Engineering (Micro-09) UGC Networking Resource Centre for Materials (NRC-M), Bangalore, May, 2009

18 .   A. Tewari, “Advanced Computational Stereology”, Indian Institute of Metals, Pune Chapter, May 2009.

17 .   A. Tewari, “Nano Materials and Applications”, invited talk, International Institute of Aerospace Engineering and Management, Bangalore, February, 2009

16 .   A. Tewari, “Materials Science: Present and future”, Padarth, IIT Bombay, February, 2009

15 .   A. Tewari, “Advances in stochastic microstructural analysis”, GE Material Symposium, Bangalore, April, 2008

14 .   A. Tewari, “The new mechanics-materials paradigm: Opportunities and challenges”, Bits Pilani, Goa Campus, September, 2006

13 .   A. Tewari, “Optimal Packing: Concepts & Examples”, IIT Bombay May, 2006

12 .   A. Tewari, “Computational Stereology in Materials Science”, Indo-European Thematic Meeting on Computational Material Science, IISc Bangalore, February 2006.

11 .   A. Tewari, “Stereology: Quantitative microstructural analysis”, Newcastle University, UK, November 2005.

10 .   A. Tewari, “Microstructural analysis through Stereology”, King’s college London, UK, November 2005.

9 .     A. Tewari, “Mathematical Representation of Microstructure and Modeling”, Mc Master, October 2005

8 .     A. Tewari, “Advanced Microstructure Modeling for Automotive Materials”, Third Annual GM India Science Lab Symposium, Bangalore, December 2005.

7 .     A. Tewari, “Quantitative aspects of Imaging”, Current trends in Materials Characterization IIT Kanpur, December 2005.

6 .     A. Tewari, “Automotive Aluminum alloys: Opportunities and Challenges”, ISAMPE Annual meeting, Bangalore, July 2005.

5 .     A. Tewari, “How far can nearest neighbors be?”, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, August 2004

4 .     A. Tewari, “Application of Modern stereology”, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, August 2004

3 .     A. Tewari, “Processing-structure-property linkage in Silicon Carbide reinforced Aluminum matrix composites”, National Seminar on Functionally Graded Materials, Naval Metallurgical Research Laboratory (NMRL), Thane, December 2001.

2 .     A. Tewari, “Particle coarsening issues in micro and low gravity environments”, Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC), Pune, December 2001.

1 .     A. Tewari, “Alloy Development and Microstructure Design in Steels”, Indian Institute of Metals, Visakhapatnam Chapter, June 2001.


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